Sunday, April 29, 2007

Our son almost lost his leg in BKK

It was time to head for the airport for our return flight home. We found a taxi and HL got the luggage into the boot while I got the kids into the back seat. I was guiding Ruvie on how to climb up into the taxi and he had one foot in, when suddenly the taxi took off.

Horrors! I shouted "Hey stop!" and the cabbie braked about half a metre's displacement away. Ruvie had fallen onto his back and his foot just avoided being crushed by the cab's rear wheel. The cabbie then had the nerve to REVERSE. Gosh! What if he had really gone over him this time??

All this happened within a few seconds and I only managed to grab Ruvie up after that. We moved well away from the taxi, he was crying and I was just holding him close. Everyone rushed over and the cabbie apologised and insisted he thought all was clear because HL, who was sitting in the front seat, had shut his door. WTF?? You should check that EVERYONE is in and ALL doors are closed before you hit the gas!

We know that Bangkok drivers are very good at manoeuvreing through the traffic, but now I've come to add another word - CARELESS. I dread to think what would've happened if I hadn't shouted for him to step on the brake. Even now my mind keeps going over the whole scenario like a nightmare that keeps replaying.

I'm only thankful that Ruvie's ok, other than the shock.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, praise God he's safe! it can be really scary to have these dangerous situations happen in an instant. It's really God's grace that you are all well, we must not take that for granted. I was just counting my blessings that in the last 1yr n 3 mths of our lives in Perth we have not had an emergency requiring a hospital visit or such. It's a blessing, cause with 2 active boys, anything can happen anytime, seriously! So I thanked God and prayed for continued protection fr all manner of harm n mishaps for the days ahead!
