Sunday, April 23, 2006

EC update: 20 months

Of late, and by that I mean the last couple weeks, Ruvie's been verbally communicating to us that he needs to pee. He usually stands with his feet slightly apart, and has an odd expression on his face (this is different from for poo). If we see it, we catch on and ask," Do you want to sheeshee?" Whereupon which he says "Ng-ng" (which actually means poo but yeah, he needs to go).

So off we go to the bathroom and he pees on cue, the little darling. Our pee miss count is down to one or two per day, including when he's with his Daddy.

Poo, though, must be CAUGHT by us. Just this morning, I was in the toilet myself, to be informed by Rayzel that "Ruvie ng-ng on the floor!" Ah well, that he can't really hold, except when he's outside, and he will try to inform me by looking very harried.

Are we looking at graduation phase 3 soon?