Saturday, December 31, 2011

The last 2 hours of 2011

As I look back on the last year (after all, the end of the year is coming and that's what a lot of people do right? look back on the past year), I feel as though I've covered a lot, but it also seems as though I've done nothing at all.

Perhaps much is lost in the mundaneness of life, being a work at home mother, caring for a baby, and attending to the routines of the family. I have grown in some areas - philosophically, physically(hah! horizontally), and hopefully, mentally. I think about a lot of things I never ever used to consider, including life and death.

On a happier note, one thing we have finally conquered as a family is overcoming the fear of driving to Malaysia on our own. Incredible but true - both HL and I have always had this fear that we will get mugged or have our car stolen. But we did it.

We started out by driving up to Melaka for a 2 nights stay. Only had a few quick looks at the maps before we left and just relied on our not-so-trustworthy instincts all the way. So after we got back safe and sound, we decided to take a day trip up to Jusco Tebrau City. As the Chinese saying goes, 一回生二回熟, we were a little more used to the Malaysian road system, although we did take a couple of wrong turns that ate up almost an hour.

So someone is already looking forward to and making plans for the next short school hols d:)

Have a Blessed 2012 everyone!

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Foray into multigrains

I must have gone nuts. Dunno what overcame me at the health food store when I decided to pick up bags of wild rice, brown rice and wheat berries. Somehow I couldn't resist when the grains aisle beckoned to me.

I'm guessing it must have something to do with that multigrain rice that I tried for the first time from Ichiban Bento (ChangiCityPoint, new mall opposite Expo MRT). It was absolutely awesome - tender, fluffy and chewy, not like the boring white Jasmine rice that Chinese people like to eat everyday (at least here in Singapore). Ok perhaps it's better now that we've switched to Japonica Rice which is tastier, chewier and slightly sticky. But that multigrain rice, oh...

I've done some reading up on the net on how to cook the different types of rice, and I'm still figuring out how to cook them all together (including white rice because the kids will surely revolt if I don't ease it into their diet).

#1 Brown rice 1:2 50min
#2 Wild rice 1:2.5 50min
#3 Wheat berries 1:2.5 60min
#4 Quinoa 1:2 20min
#5 Jap white rice 1:1.2 20min

Ye gods. How to cook?? Perhaps cook the first three first then add the last 2 about half an hour later? Or cook #1 -3 together, #4 and 5 together then fold the finished product together? This doesn't sound viable. Anyone out there? Can give me some advice please??

Saturday, December 03, 2011

I like the new Blogger interface

It's been more than a year since I last blogged and the first thing I can think of is, I like the new Blogger interface.

I have been toying with changing my blog name for some time, since the kids have grown up, but then, now another comes along and gives me a reason to continue. It's tough though, I admit I'm not the most faithful of bloggers PLUS I am more addicted to Facebook then I should be!