Sunday, March 30, 2008

Only Fermented Soy is Healthy

Non-fermented soy products such as whole soybeans (fresh or dry), soy milk and even tofu, are not good for us, because unfermented soy contains various toxic compounds:
#1 is phytic acid (phytates) which binds to certain minerals in our digestive system, hindering their absorption.
#2 is haemagglutin, which causes red blood cells to agglutinate and inhibits oxygen take-up.
#3 enzyme inhibitors - hinder protein digestion.
#4 but probably the worst - they contain high levels of isoflavones (aka phytoestrogens), which mimic and can block the oestrogen in our body.

Fermenting soy drastically reduces the level of isoflavones, reduces the phytic acid level, and also improves the essential amino acid composition in the soy product. It even creates natural probiotics! So what are the great soy products to eat?

1. Miso
2. Nattou (I've always wanted to try this but didn't have the guts)
3. Tempeh (something I never liked since young but will put aside my prejudice to try again)
4. Soy sauce (go for trusted brands of traditionally fermented soy sauce and beware of chemically processed ones)

Must limit myself to one cup of soy milk per week.


  1. Tried natto in Japan last year. Gosh I almost puked right there and then at the table - and we were at one of those conveyor belt places! Ugh and double ugh! I pride myself on being able to stomach new foods but gosh, the natto really did me in!

    We do take miso at home quite regularly esply since we use it in regular cooking and not just for miso soup when we have sushi at home. tastes great with clams, ginger and chilli!

  2. Gosh thank you for sharing your experience with me! Now I'm having second thoughts about trying it. Do you take fermented tofu aka smelly tofu? I love that, even thought it stinks up the air. Does it smell like that?

    Yep, we use miso quite often as well, usually in soups, eg. seafood soups, chicken soup where all the ingredients are just thrown in in descending order of time taken to achieve doneness. Miso is added right at the end just after fire goes off to prevent changing its properties. But we have yet to try with clams! Must find some clams this week then, my, I'm starting to salivate right now!
