Saturday, March 10, 2007

Looking back on myself

So I've been a mother for six years already? The one thing I can remember most about parenting Ray is that from the start, I wished she'd grow up faster, whereas for Ruvie, I wish he'd stay a baby forever (although I doubt we'd be able to carry him for long if he were always THAT heavy). It might have something to do with the timing of the arrival of the babies... IYKWIM.

Most days I feel I'm a terrible mother; there are hardly days when I can honestly say I've been good. Recently a close cousin commented that even she could see that I treat the boy better than the girl *gulp* And then I had to admit it to myself. Sometimes I am so strict with her that I wonder if she begins to feel that I don't love her. I have to keep reminding myself - don't micromanage, allow for creativity and expression of personality, as long as it's not too messy and not wrong just let her do it. Treat her with more respect.

Oh dear, it's getting hard to blog with the kids climbing all over me.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much Cory, sometimes I do really feel so disgusted with myself. But funny thing is, I didn't see the difference till #2 came along.
