Thursday, August 24, 2006

Here is the Winnie the Pooh cake

Looks like this photo, no?

A good ex-neighbour of ours tried some of it yesterday and was blown away by the taste.

"Where did you get such nice cake? As good as Creative Bake's!" She always orders Creative Bake cakes for her kids' birthdays. Her almost 3yo son, especially, loves Baby Bop, and at his 2yo birthday I saw a 3kg Baby Bop cake. It was yummy too, but I couldn't afford (nor can we finish) a 3kg cake!

So I guess for her son's next birthday at the end of the year, it'll be Prima Deli who has Barney cakes. Mine is from Bengawan Solo.


  1. Yeay d'you get Ruvie's face on that cake?! Hmmm...ears are in the wrong place though. ;p

  2. If you mean, how did I get him so chubby, I'll tell you it was hindmilk and block nursing d:)

    Feed baby on the same side for the same 2hrs, then nurse on the other side for the next 2 hrs. This for the early days of course. And don't try to stretch between feedings. Let baby nurse no less frequent than one hour.

    But then your Faith is already past this stage d:) She's a good size though. How's the EC going?
