I just received a new batch of Maya Padded Slings this week, with an upgraded design (they listened to feedback and redesigned the shoulder area so it's more like the Moms In Mind sling now). It's definitely much more comfy than the Original Maya Wrap.
And I caught myself thinking as I was unpacking them, wish I had another baby right now so I can use those lovely colours!
Gulp. I read once on Asiaparents that women are able to forget the pain and intensity of childbirth, and we go on to have more children, especially after we see or carry a young baby from another family.
Ahhh... But I do not fear childbirth. Perhaps the only thing I would like about having another baby is the labour and childbirth itself. I want to have a successful VBAC, but Paul says chances are slim. My doulas think otherwise.
In any case, what I DO NOT want to go through again are
tandem nursing
the first year of EC
the struggle to lose weight and slim down (I'm still trying to do this!)
re-losing my "freedom" (now that kids are older, I have a little time to myself between sending and fetching them after school)
the worry about finances
guilt from neglecting the first 2 kids
AND not forgetting
Ruvie still so sticky to me
my business
CONFINEMENT (I'm not putting myself under my mom's control again about what to eat etc)
not enough rooms to split between the children
no more car after this one
Heave big sigh. So thanks but no thanks. We're stopping at 2. For the sanity of all of us. Unless, of course, God wants us to have one more, in which case I can't object. I take my hat off to Barbs, Pat, Serene, Sam, Rita, Pam!
You don't have to EC and you don't have to tandem-nurse.
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah... you can ligate, yah? I should've.
But I definitely WILL EC and tandem nurse, because I just can't imagine myself doing otherwise.
ReplyDeleteLigation just doesn't seem right to me, not in terms of right and wrong, but I'm just uncomfortable with it. And if we were really to choose that road, then it would be vasectomy for DH (he volunteered).