The PSI (pollution standards index) in Singapore hit an all-time high of 401 today. Anything above 300 is considered hazardous so that's really bad. Thankfully, the winds changed direction sometime in the afternoon and we had about 5 hours of (considerably) clearer air during which the PSI hovered between 130 and 150.
During this period of time, hubby and I decided to "air the house" - open all the windows and doors to allow some movement of fresher air into the house after being closed up for more than 24 hours. The air quality actually was pretty good, no burning smell, not choking. Barely hazy, in fact.
Round about 8.30pm we could tell by looking out the windows that the conditions were beginning to worsen, so it's back to closeup time again.
Things I am grateful for in this time of tribulation:
1. It's the school hols, so we do not have to go out except when necessary.
2. We have enough stock of our respiratory medications on hand, should I or any of the kids begin to get chesty. (I have, in fact, begun to require more frequent preventive doses.)
3. The kids will eat what I cook. This counts for a lot, since on really bad days, there simply is no excuse to leave the house. There's just more washing up, which does suck.
Things I will make a note of to do i.e. Lessons learnt:
1. Go procure a good air purifier after this is all over, if panic buying does not stop meanwhile and all attempts to hunt down purifiers prove futile. If the haze stops within the next couple of weeks and does not return, at least ascertain we get it by May next year (before the dry period recommences).
2. Always have a few N95 or equivalent masks at home. Remember to get child-sized ones.
3. 居安思危 - when you are in peaceful, safe times, prepare for difficult times. Singaporeans are perhaps too well-protected and reliant on our government to resolve all problems. I am sorry to say that I am like that. Must. Change!