We have been living at our new home for 2 weeks, and tonight is the first night my son is sleeping in his own room, i.e. away from me. For the last 2 weeks, he slept on a mattress on the floor in our room, and before we moved, our beds were all connected in the huge bedroom, Ray's included (talk about the family bed).
This morning when I moved his mattress to his bedframe in his room, I wasn't really serious about shifting him out. But he was 100% ok, and looking forward to it in fact. That's when I realised that I was the one, who couldn't leave the family bed.
Yes, I've been babying my big boy, he turns six tomorrow but I still see him as my toddler. Doesn't help that he looks really babyish, and is short for his age, and is SOOOOOO adorable and lovable, just like a baby bear. I really do love him to bits.
But now another little boy is coming along (sometime within the next 3 weeks), and I have to prepare myself emotionally to move my big boy up to korkor status. I know HE's ready to be korkor, and excited.
I wonder how much sleep I will get tonight, probably check on him every hour or so when I go to the bathroom.