My son has self-weaned, at the grand old age of 5 years and 2 months. His elder sister stopped at 4 years and 2 months. And just when I thought it was more or less over, it seems it will begin all over again, in about 6 months' time.
I was not too thrilled at first, but with the passing of time, we have come to accept this fact (although I suspect HL is still coming to grips with the issue). I am glad that I will not be tandem nursing, because although I do believe in it, it was a really, shall I say, tough experience for both me and Ray. Not long ago, I was just checking to see if I had any milk at all (none, only a few drops of clear, colourless liquid from one side, doubt it's colostrum) and thought to ask the boy whether he would be interested in nursing again after the baby is born and I have lots of milk. "No," came the answer, so I guess that's that. My boy has left babyhood, although you wouldn't think it to look at him. Few are willing to believe that he will be in Primary One come next year, he looks as though he's only three! (His height doesn't help).
So now, I'm just hoping to live and get through this horrible period of discomfort which I've never had so bad before. Let whatever will happen, happen.