Saturday, December 24, 2005

It has finally happened

This is the first time my 4yo is away from me for a night, and it feels strange. She's been admitted to KKH for observation of shortness of breath and bronchitis, and Dad's with her. Baby and I came home about 12mn and after lots of fussing and crying, he's finally asleep.

I look back and realise that this is only the start of her growing up, that there will be so many more nights, as she grows up, when she will be away from me, and be fine about it. I can still recall so many scenes when she refused to have anyone but Mummy, even for a nap, because she needed to nurse to be happy enough to sleep.

And yet, what a change - recently I offered to nurse her, but she giggled and said, "No thanks!" I asked her," Don't you want to nurse?" "I don't want," came the answer. She doesn't remember how to latch on, she told me.

I guess most of her independence came after weaning. As long as she didn't need to nurse to sleep, she was fine, generally. But my boy, on the other hand, CAN sleep without nursing, that is, if he isn't with me, or if he's in his childseat and I'm driving.

I feel a little sad... But I know it's time to move on.